Sunday, February 23, 2014

The making of a good President

By Seth C
                                           The making of a good President
           The head of state and the head of government is known as the President of the United States. Deciding on which person to elect for presidency is not an easy choice. Intelligence, leadership, and communication skills are just a few traits that form a good president. I believe every president should at least meet these requirements, which would be judged my elected officials.
            Many hard tasks have to be completed each day by the President of the United States each day that affects the lives of every individual. One that takes on the role of the President has to be very intelligent with deciding on various things, and has to be a quick thinker towards fast decisions and interviews. Especially, the President has to make very quick decisions concerning wars, and different affairs with other countries.
            Leadership is another skill that the President has to possess. Leadership is the ability to control certain situations and certain people, and be able to give correct instructions on what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. The amount of stress that is put on the President is tremendous, and that person needs to know that and be capable of handling all of that stress accordingly and properly.

            The last skill that is very important is communication skills. If a President can not communicate properly then there is no opportunity for bigger and better things for our country. The President has to speak to his work partners, congress, other officials from different countries, and many other important people, also including the public. If the President can not properly intellectually, lead, and communicate on a reasonable level for our country, or produce and efficiently run this country then there is no reason that elected person should be in office. These are just a few of my criteria’s that make and complete a president of the United States, and I believe every president should meet these requirements 100%.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Argument and Logic

By Seth C
  To me, argument is a big part of my life. Arguing is good for everyone, if there is a good reason behind the argument. It is a chance for everyone to see different point of views behind certain things, depending on what the topic is. You don't have to necessarily agree with everyone’s point of view, which why it is labeled an argument. Not every argument has to turn into a fight, but can just be an agreement to disagree.

  Logic on the other hand, to me is knowing the facts about what is being talked about. Also, logic is the ability to have common sense about things. In my next essay I will use arguing to show my point of view towards Marcellus Shale. To good at arguing you have to have logic, that is how they are linked. A person can not argue about something if they do not have the logic and common sense towards the subject. I used arguing a lot in my high school political science class, so I have a good back ground about this subject.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Chemical Waste, A waste of my time

By Seth C

There was a chemical spill in most counties around Putnam County in WV. Fortunately, I was on Putnam General water which was not contaminated so I wasn't really affected by this mishap. I think it shouldn't have happened, someone needs to get fired over this cause it was a very big mistake. I also think that everybody that was on an affected water line should switch, because I would. It should never happen again, and if it does I hope no one is severely affected by it.