Sunday, February 9, 2014

Argument and Logic

By Seth C
  To me, argument is a big part of my life. Arguing is good for everyone, if there is a good reason behind the argument. It is a chance for everyone to see different point of views behind certain things, depending on what the topic is. You don't have to necessarily agree with everyone’s point of view, which why it is labeled an argument. Not every argument has to turn into a fight, but can just be an agreement to disagree.

  Logic on the other hand, to me is knowing the facts about what is being talked about. Also, logic is the ability to have common sense about things. In my next essay I will use arguing to show my point of view towards Marcellus Shale. To good at arguing you have to have logic, that is how they are linked. A person can not argue about something if they do not have the logic and common sense towards the subject. I used arguing a lot in my high school political science class, so I have a good back ground about this subject.

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